Quorum News

New Products Launched

Building on the success of the PP3010T cryo-SEM/FIB/SEM preparation system, we are pleased to announce three new related products for ambient and cryo temperature transfer: 

PP3004 QuickLok – an efficient and rapid way of transferring ambient temperature specimens into vacuum platforms such as an SEM, FIB/SEM or beamline. The QuickLok is designed to protect specimens that are sensitive to normal environmental conditions during transfer. The compact transfer device can be interfaced to a glove box for inert gas transfer or to allow transfer amongst a wide range of vacuum platforms. 

PP3006 CoolLok – uses the same exchange principles as the QuickLok, but will hold specimens at cryo conditions inside the SEM or FIB/SEM. At its heart is a highly efficient, vacuum isolated nitrogen gas cooling system which enables precise temperature control down to -190°C and typical runtimes of up to 24 hours between fills. A bespoke cold trap ensures that specimens remain frost-free during observation. 

Specimen freezing is by contact with the microscope cold stage, or for rapid pre-freezing an optional liquid nitrogen slush freezer option is available. 

PP3005 SEMCool – a simple low-temperature cooling system designed for cryogenic applications where airlock exchange of specimens into the microscope is not required. The SEMCool offers cooling down to -190°C and runtimes of up 24 hours. 

For more details please contact Quorum Technologies