FTT is the world leader in the design, manufacture and service of instruments that measure the reaction of a variety of materials to fire.
The key products include Cone Calorimeters, Large Scale Calorimeters, NBS Smoke Chambers and Oxygen Index Test, together with an unmatched range of related fire testing instruments. Over the last 20 years FTT has developed its technology and expertise to become the benchmark in fire testing instrumentation.
The company has helped develop many of the major fire testing instruments used in international fire test standards during the last 10 years participating in British, International, CEN and ASTM standardisation committees.
The products are sold worldwide to universities, fire research institutes, test houses and product manufacturers.
FTT owns Aitchee Engineering, which makes a range of engineering parts and finished products for a variety of industries; and Sircal Instruments, which manufactures rare gas purifiers.
Fire Testing Technology Ltd
Unit 19, Charlwoods Road
East Grinstead, West Sussex
RH19 2HL, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1342 323600
Fax: +44 (0) 1342 323608

Email: sales@fire-testing.com Web: www.fire-testing.com